You broke my heart several times this year…
So many things had happened in my life this year. I became a fan of Jonas Brothers (it's their music that I fell in love into first!) & Demi Lovato (Come on, admit it! Not many girls from Disney can have a great voice like her!). I finally have the courage to meet a dentist after 9 years. My favourite black cat died, murdered by an unknown neighbour. I started tweeting on Twitter. I learnt to drive, got my licence though I don't have the opportunity to drive [my family car] officially yet. I took my first ABRSM practical exam (Grade 1). Joined NaBloPoMo. Blogged everyday on November 2009. Went to Tawau.
And also... I had finally entered university! I'm a year behind compared to my friends who started last year. Better late than never!
Then, in university, I experienced a mild case of culture shock (coursemates from Peninsular Malaysia & Sarawak). I also discovered the hot-tempered/angry side of me. Usually only family and close friends can see my angry side before but university life (minus dorm life) seem to bring out the worst in me. *sigh* I still don't know how to deal with this. It's not really a recommending trait to have, you know. The only bright side of it is I am able to express myself easily (but that might have been because I blog more often this year and started tweeting). The fun part of university life is the access to the library (lol! SO many reference books at the university library!)... Not only that lah! Haha. I went dragon-boating for the 1st time in my life. Performed three songs with my Art Appreciation group members (assignment).
Anyway, though the title of this post sounds resentful, believe me, I'm not. There's just so many sad events I don't want to remember in 2009...
But I'm grateful for the good things that had happened to me throughout this year.
Thank you, God. Thank you, Dad, Mum, @Jvira & Rus. Thank you, Eve, Mel-chan & Ren-chan! Thank you, Miss Chong!
I know this thank you list should be longer... I'll edit later!
2009. You were an important part of my life, but I’m not gonna miss you. Not gonna.
Art Appreciation I'm glad I got a B+.
Islam and Asian Civilization Yay! I don't have to see that course again! Got a solid B!
Ethics for Professionals
A B+! I must confess something though about my second assignment (supposed to be a group assignment but I had problems with my ex-group members)... I messed up that assignment a lot so I was afraid I'll flunk. Last minute effort. Note to self : NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!
Mathematics I
I was hoping for an A- actually... but a B+ will do. =)
Dragon Boat Can you believe that I got an A- for this??? No more co-curriculum activities!!! (I hate Saturday classes!)
Final week's exam papers...
Computer Programming & Simulation - A serves-you-right C for this.
Digital Systems - Got a C+.
Economic Statistics - Already expected a D. At least I don't have to repeat the course...