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2009 posts
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
Status : COMPLETE. Will be updated from time to time.
Last edited : April 1st, 2024.
Aiming to be ambidextrous : I'm not ambidextrous but I aim to be one (2011). Currently able to use toothbrush & chopsticks (still need more practice) with my left hand.
Alec Su : I was an avid fan of his from 2000 until 2006/7. I can't really pinpoint when it suddenly fade away... it just happened.
Arashi : First saw articles about them in magazines I used to buy when I was an Alec Su fan. Then in 2005, I was introduced to their sound through "Wish", the theme song for Matsumoto Jun's "Hana Yori Dango". I wasn't Jun-baited.
Blood type : O
Blogger/This blog is... : This blog is a personal blog. The only thing you'll know more here will be about me :P... I usually blog about my life, thoughts and stuff I like & have interest in. Also hobbies. I have lots of them. And reading is one of them but... I don't consider this blog a book [review] blog. I'm fond of 2000s old-school kind of blogging (since I started blogging from those era) so that is my blogging style. I've been blogging more frequently after the COVID-19 pandemic started.
Books : I love books. Not only because I read them. I just love having them around me (you don't know how excited I am when I go to libraries or bookstores or Kinokuniya). I'm on Goodreads (used frequently but I don't review much) and Litsy (RuYanda; not very active). I also have a LibraryThing account but I won't link that here because I only use it to keep track of books I own.
Cat person : Loves cats. Also, I find men who love cats/have a cat as pet/treats a cat nicely very attractive :P. Someone told me once that you can (kind of) see if a person is kindhearted or not from the way they treat them or their opinion on cats. There's something irresistible about the aura surrounding the cats that could convert any haters (minor level) to cat-lovers.
Chocolate : I love Kit Kat.
Colours : I love colourful scenes (book/doramas/movies). My study notes are colour-coded because it seems that I could understand the facts/formulae better when I use colours. When I was in Alec Su fandom, my favourite colour was green (Su endorsed a green tea ad XD). My favourite colour was purple when I was a fan of Joe Jonas (read somewhere that he likes girl in purple dress :P). Now my favourite colour is blue, because blue represents Ohno Satoshi in Arashi ^O^~
Cooking : Something I find myself enjoy doing after the kitchen part of my house underwent renovation (mid-2011). Cooking something (especially a new recipe I found online) helps me relieve stress. Recent interest in cooking was also a bit influenced after watching some old Arashi shows such as "Mago Mago Arashi" and "Arashi no Shukudai-kun".
Diana Wynne Jones : One of my favourite authors. I love the way she puts wittiness in her books & her stories are always refreshing (I was surprised when I realised most of her books were published decades ago). I was first introduced to her books when I chose a book to read randomly at the school library. At first it was "Howl's Moving Castle" but I didn't finish reading it. It was only when I finished reading "Charmed Life", I realised how different her style was compared to other authors I had read before, I began hunting for her other books.
F. Scott Fitzgerald : Developed a crush on his writing style in year 2021. Currently in an FSF reading phase: still exploring his books and short stories... but at this moment, his style reminds me a bit of Jane Austen's and I liked that.
Food : Omnivorous, [cooked] pork-eating human here. I don't like vegetables but I can still eat them out of necessity (sometimes I crave them). Okay with most seafood except fishes and exotic ones (usually I haven't tried them so..). I don't like the smell of fish... but I'm surprisingly okay with expensive fishes (haha) like unagi & salmon. It also depends on the cooking method. I love prawns and anything similar. I also love mushrooms. And cheese (so cheesecake for cakes, yay~). I generally love spicy food but I'm not that hard core.
Food : Omnivorous, [cooked] pork-eating human here. I don't like vegetables but I can still eat them out of necessity (sometimes I crave them). Okay with most seafood except fishes and exotic ones (usually I haven't tried them so..). I don't like the smell of fish... but I'm surprisingly okay with expensive fishes (haha) like unagi & salmon. It also depends on the cooking method. I love prawns and anything similar. I also love mushrooms. And cheese (so cheesecake for cakes, yay~). I generally love spicy food but I'm not that hard core.
Green tea : I love matcha-flavoured snacks. Also learned to appreciate the taste of sencha after realising you shouldn't use water over 80°C (it should taste sweet-ish. If yours are too bitter, you're doing it wrong :P).
INTP : Knowing that I'm an INTP made me see sense in my nonsense thoughts and behaviours. Some anecdotes related to this: I had been accused of being a cold person when all I did was think of the most efficient and logical way to do things. I had also argue with my mother once where I pick the opposite side on purpose even though I don't necessarily support it (playing devil's advocate). I have a fear of failure (can be seen in my earlier posts in this blog). I'm also afraid of getting bored.
Jane Eyre : I read quite randomly during my teenage years so I probably had come across other classic novels but "Jane Eyre" was my first true introduction to the old-style English classic novels. It's a book I chose to read knowing that it was unabridged. I ended up loving it. Since then, I've been looking for other classics that I might enjoy the same way I discovered "Jane Eyre".
Languages : I have interest in learning other languages because I find out it isn't that hard... It seems like I could pick up a language pretty quick *hope that doesn't come across as a brag lol* but it still depends on my interest and motivation... (& I usually like to learn according to my pace, not a teacher/class's pace :D). Being in a fandom is a strong reason to learn a new language. Couldn't depend on other nice translators of Arashi news all the time.... Anyway, currently I'm...
- fluent in Malay and English languages (we learn British English in school so you'll see more of that here... although sometimes there might be American English mixed in because I read/watch stuff from there)
- able to understand Dusun (my own ethnic's language)... couldn't speak much/doesn't have confidence to speak :P *or it's just me making up excuses lol*
- able to understand conversational and read Chinese mandarin (thanks to being in Alec Su fandom <3), there are characters I still don't know how to read, but apparently it was enough for me to understand Qiong Yao's novel "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" (Part 3) novels (I cried buckets!) ... not so confident in speaking in Chinese though.
- able to understand conversational Cantonese (grew up watching east-asian drama series esp Cantonese ones on TV)
- took French language courses in University. Very rusty now :P...but I decided to continue learning by myself.
- currently self-learning Japanese language (Arashi effects <3), able to read easy sentences (struggling with kanji characters though. I'm glad that I know some chinese characters beforehand).. & able to understand simple conversations [on Arashi's variety shows] though my vocabulary is still lacking.
Manga (including Manhwa) : Used to read the translated-to-Malay ones when I was little. Rekindled my love and interest for manga since year 2013 (I would like to thank the Internet for existing :P). I owned some volumes of the japanese version of Kurosagi when I was a fan of Yamashita Tomohisa. Now I'm in the process of collecting mangas that I love to own physically (japanese & english versions). I'm mostly into Shoujo/Josei mangas though (but anything with interesting plot can catch my attention) - I especially love those that feature strong female leads. One of my favourite shoujo mangaka is Motomi Kyousuke - all her works is a must-read.
Maou : A Japanese drama aired on TBS channel during Summer 2008. It's a Japanese remake of a Korean drama, "Mawang". It took me two years to watch this dorama although I already love the theme song and soundtrack beforehand. I watched it as a fan of Ikuta Toma's acting and ended up as an Ohno Satoshi/Arashi fan upon finishing it. Initially, I didn't expect much from Ohno who was, to me, an unfamiliar face in the jdorama world.. but as the series progressed, I realised his acting abilities aren't something I always see from other Japanese actors. I was truly dumbfoundedly impressed and has been a fan ever since.
Maou : A Japanese drama aired on TBS channel during Summer 2008. It's a Japanese remake of a Korean drama, "Mawang". It took me two years to watch this dorama although I already love the theme song and soundtrack beforehand. I watched it as a fan of Ikuta Toma's acting and ended up as an Ohno Satoshi/Arashi fan upon finishing it. Initially, I didn't expect much from Ohno who was, to me, an unfamiliar face in the jdorama world.. but as the series progressed, I realised his acting abilities aren't something I always see from other Japanese actors. I was truly dumbfoundedly impressed and has been a fan ever since.
Megane : I wear glasses.
Mathematics : I hate Math. I used to love Math back in school. Now I hate it.
Michael Crichton : I LOVE most of his books. His books are like action/thriller/horror movies in text. He wrote on various areas (one can see how much research he did for them) which makes it fun to read them. I personally like how he explain the technical things in his book without making them sound dull.
Mathematics : I hate Math. I used to love Math back in school. Now I hate it.
Michael Crichton : I LOVE most of his books. His books are like action/thriller/horror movies in text. He wrote on various areas (one can see how much research he did for them) which makes it fun to read them. I personally like how he explain the technical things in his book without making them sound dull.
Milk tea with ice : Favourite drink. There are many variations... Teh C Ping, Teh Tarik Ping, Yoyo's Milky tea etc :D
Numbers : Kind of a random trivia of mine but anyway... I like numbers to be even although most of my favourite numbers are odd numbers: 1 (vaguely), 5, 7 and 9. I usually read/remember (if possible) long numbers in threes but prefer to count by fives (for money anyway lol).
Ohno Satoshi : Arashi's multi-talented leader who stole my heart in 2010.
Orange : My current favourite citrus fruit for eating.
Piano : The only musical instrument I can play [for now XD]. Currently I'm between ABRSM Grade 7 and 8 level. I also have a thing for photos of celebrities I like playing (or sitting by) the piano. I think it's a beautiful scene. One day... I will use a photo like that for my Twitter profile.
Pride and Prejudice : My favourite book by Jane Austen though Persuasion came close to being a favourite. I've seen almost all adaptations and love all of them. Each has their own features that I like. My favourite is the 1995 version because I love Jennifer Ehle's portrayal as was just how I picture her to be. The 1980 version had some of my favourite scenes from the book which weren't included in the 1995 version.
Pride and Prejudice : My favourite book by Jane Austen though Persuasion came close to being a favourite. I've seen almost all adaptations and love all of them. Each has their own features that I like. My favourite is the 1995 version because I love Jennifer Ehle's portrayal as was just how I picture her to be. The 1980 version had some of my favourite scenes from the book which weren't included in the 1995 version.
RuYanda : A portmanteau of my real name used as my username on Twitter, Tumblr, Livejournal and typepad. Random fact - In Turkish, it seems that the meaning of "ruyanda" is something to do with dream/dreaming.
S : According to this personality test, I'm an S. Personality-wise, that means I like to see people in pain :P. Actually I enjoy seeing people in an awkward position more, to be honest. I also like to see men shed tears :P (Seriously.. if you're familiar with this from anime/manga/any Japanese media, you'll know this is meant in a non-sexual way... most of the time).
Sabah : Born and still resides in the capital city.
Song for Me : My favourite Ohno Satoshi solo. I fell in love with his beautiful voice from this song.
Song for Me : My favourite Ohno Satoshi solo. I fell in love with his beautiful voice from this song.
truth : My favourite Arashi song. I've loved it before I saw Maou. I adore it before I knew who Ohno Satoshi is. It's my favourite simply because it's unlike any other Arashi songs.
Tsundere : I once caught myself acting tsundere towards my family, especially my father. I guess I can be a bit of that if we're close. Other than that, you might see me as a kuudere (unfortunately, I kind of have a bit of a resting bitch face) or if you're lucky *smirk*, my black-hearted/haraguro [腹黒] side (my first work experience helped bring this out beautifully, but it has always been there really) ... or just a plain weird person.
Tsundere : I once caught myself acting tsundere towards my family, especially my father. I guess I can be a bit of that if we're close. Other than that, you might see me as a kuudere (unfortunately, I kind of have a bit of a resting bitch face) or if you're lucky *smirk*, my black-hearted/haraguro [腹黒] side (my first work experience helped bring this out beautifully, but it has always been there really) ... or just a plain weird person.
Voice: I love certain kind of voices. I usually play "Guess the seiyuu" whenever I watch a new anime. I love deep/ikemen voices. (For reference: Konishi Katsuyuki, Suwabe Junichi & Miyano Mamoru. Also Ono Yuki & Hatanaka Tasuku. Sometimes Kaji Yuki & Furukawa Makoto. Recently, I'm fascinated with Shimono Hiro).[V]
Voltage Inc: Have played their games for almost 10 years already. Probably practised reading most of my Japanese through their mobile games. They most probably have ruined romance books for me (like I won't even expect romance books to be good anymore because Voltage makes better male characters IMO. Stereotypical but still mostly likeable).
Zodiac signs : Virgo. Born in the year of the Dragon.
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