Last updated: 13-October-2024
Just a fun page to put a list of books I'm currently reading. I thought it would be nice to see them in one page. Will also include books I haven't touched for so long but are still considered as "currently reading" *sigh* and books I haven't add/update to my Goodreads account.
■ Physical ■
A Natural History of the Piano
A Natural History of the Piano
Stuart Isacoff
Consider Her Ways and Others
John Wyndham
Samurai RevolutionRomulus Hillsborough
7th Time Loop LN #3
Amekawa Touko
The Aosawa Murders
Onda Riku
Consider Her Ways and Others
John Wyndham
Samurai Revolution
7th Time Loop LN #3
Amekawa Touko
The Aosawa Murders
Onda Riku
■ Digital ■
The Easy Life in Kamusari
Shion Miura
This Place is Magic
Irene Te