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- Send an e-mail to me by using the e-mail address in my Blogger profile.
- Mention or send a message to me on my SNS accounts: I am @RuYanda on Twitter and @ruyanda Tumblr.
- Send an ask on Tumblr. @ruyanda is my main account that reblogs Arashi stuff. @ruyandaplus is my personal tumblr. All asks would be replied publicly unless you specify to answer privately.
- Send me a message on Livejournal. My LJ (ruyanda) is for my Arashi fangirl side. I haven't been actively posting there lately but you can still message me via LJ if you want.
- Send a private message on Goodreads (ruyanda). Started using GR more after I got back into reading in 2021 (but I'm not an active reviewer).
Leave a comment on the post you landed on.As of 2022-Jan-03, I've removed disqus from this blog. This caused [most] previous posts unable to be commented on (and I don't want to go enable them manually *it's troublesome!*). If you want, you can leave a comment in my Guestbook post with link to the post you refer to in the comments.
Last Updated: Jan 3rd, 2022.