The year I started blogging. I was still a fan of Alec Su at that time & it was evident from the amount of posts I mentioned about him. Also features anecdotes from school (I was sitting for SPM exam that year) including my thoughts on certain things related to school and exams.
Alternative: All posts in 2005.
07・Something interesting happened today ~~
12・Alec 苏有朋 VS Alex 苏友朋
19・Hari Sukan Sekolah~
March10・[S]ijil [P]elajaran [M]alaysia
12・[UB 1] The First Day | [OpInIoN] Television Programmes in Malaysia~~
14・[UB 1] The Second Day
15・[UB 1] The Third Day
16・[UB 1] The Fourth & Last Day | FiGhTiNg fOr My OwN fUtUrE
19・有朋 Youpeng, 我不喜歡你 I don't like you...
April14・Alec and Jang Nara
19・The day will come....
22・........Exam started today.......
23・What is in my mind????
26・~Wo De Diao Man Gong Zhu~ starts filming on 30 April!!