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# Wuthering Waves
2025 posts
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Interest: Games
My Fangirl Side
It's time for that post again~~~!
Lol almost forgot to publish this before Brant's banner (10am today, I think)
Tower of Adversity
I finally got my first 30/30! I'm not sure if it will continue the same this month but I'll take this as a win(?): I've made progress!
To be honest, I was tempted. I did almost use my guaranteed 5-star, half-hoping that I could at least get her early. I stopped 45 pulls later. "Nah, I'll just get her next time if I'm still interested..." My RuRu account is lucky enough to win the 50/50 (but at 71st pull)... including her weapon at 41st pull (only did one 10-pull that day though)... so I'll just make do with that.
Going through the 2.0 story again makes me feel a bit uncomfortable with Phoebe because of her association with the Order. Even though she's among the first ones that caught my attention when they were announced. I guess it fits her somehow...? She's a contradiction or something like that. In return, I also have contradicting feelings towards her.
Account(s) Updates
Last time I updated about my accounts' Union Level was in November, I think...?
Although I did already mention that my main account reached UL80 on new year's day.
Although I did already mention that my main account reached UL80 on new year's day.
- Main: UL76 → UL80
- Fenn: UL64 → UL79
- RuRu: UL54 → UL74
My alternate accounts are almost at UL80, can you believe it? Even though both accounts are in a whatever mode playthrough lol...
It's only on my main account that I'm obsessed with doing everything and trophy-hunting - although I'm not that obsessed to be attempting the hologram fights... I'll take it slow and easy (so far I've only finished all difficulties for Impermanence Heron & Mourning Aix).
I also got all my resonators ascended to Level 90 (I have Youhu left not fully levelled to 90)... like seriously, the logic I stand by is it's easier to build characters... so I need/want to level them up first (including their skills, 10 on all) before I fully focus on their echoes. I'm aware that I don't need to, but as of now, this is my strategy.
Echo Presets
I've wanted this for so long! Saw some content creators said this feature isn't necessary [yet] but we still get it anyway... and I was like, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN???" As a Rover main, this is the most important thing to have because of how Rover can switch attributes! Now I can conveniently switch whenever I want.
Brant's Echo Set
I kind of accidentally started building his echo set because I was doing one for Encore. YES, I know that's not the best echo set for her but... come on.. I wanna use the dragon XD... I've been using her with Sanhua & Shorekeeper nowadays and I guess it's fine... so far. I did have to borrow Verina's Variation & use food buff to get extra Energy Regen (ER). If I get Brant's signature weapon, I should at least hit the 250% easily without using food buff.
2.1 so far...
Old Man and the Whale - Fishing Event
This is very addictive! I can play it for hours lol... basically has to restrain myself every time. It's actually perfect to do while listening to something on Youtube... Now I know what will happen in the future if I start playing Dredge :P
I suspect sales for Dredge will be higher around this time (well, there's a sale in Epic too so...) because I can just imagine WuWa players getting it after the fishing event XD
I suspect sales for Dredge will be higher around this time (well, there's a sale in Epic too so...) because I can just imagine WuWa players getting it after the fishing event XD
Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways - Weekly Combat Challenge
Honestly, I love this one. It's like mini or lite Illusive Realm (but not quite)... and I have this as an alternative to doing Tacet Fields (which I can get bored of doing). It's probably the best way for me as of now to get Echo XPs without getting more echoes in your inventory (you get them as unborn echo boxes instead).
Whimpering Wastes
It's okay so far. Still kind of figuring out how to get better scores. I'm pretty lucky that I have Jiyan and Xiangli Yao for this.