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In Zombie Mode
Life: Anecdotes
My Fangirl Side
Online Shopping Bag
Our Water Woes
A pretty much Zombie-mode day (honestly, when is it not? :P)
Very excited for Brant's release today... wait, I just realise there'll be three posts today lol (and I pretty much talked about Brant in all of them haha)
It's Brant's day today but it's also the day our water tank got an overdue fix-up/maintenance. Which means, there'll be no water supply available in the kitchen area for at least 3 days. Fortunately, the tank upstairs is not affected.
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Something I forgot to post about weeks ago: On February 14th, I received the 3rd volume of the light novel "If the Villainess and Villain Met and Fell in Love" in the mail.
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There are other factors but I haven't been posting much here because currently the keyboard I'm using is kind of broken. There are certain keys that doesn't work when pressed. I'm using a backup, compact keyboard but I miss using the numpad area lol.
The keys that won't work are pretty important:
These - Right button
- The 0 and . on the numpad
- A special button that acts as a toggle to access the volume and brightness option
Surprisingly it doesn't really affect much everyday use (internet surfing and playing games) but typing out an entire blog post becomes more challenging. I like to type out fast so not having easy access to commas and fullstops isn't fun :( I did remap some of them for short sentence use but as expected, it's very inconvenient. It's pretty crazy typing this post with two keyboards side by side lol