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# Wuthering Waves
2025 posts
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In Zombie Mode
Interest: Games
My Fangirl Side
What is Sleep Anyway?
It went smoothly(?), I guess...?
I had just enough astrites and radiant tides... (damn, should've used the 7 forging tides I can exchange for the weapon instead of my astrites).
50th pull... but within the first ten-pull of the day XD |
Got his weapon early~~~ |
So glad that I'm done getting all the boss materials for ascension for all my resonators because while I don't exactly have all of it (the forgery & weekly boss materials can wait), it's kinda comfortable to prepare for Brant's materials. I'm never this prepared lol - I even got all the weekly boss materials for him (yes, all 26 of them!) and his echo set (because I was already doing one for Encore) ready lol
My Fenn account was super lucky! Lost 50/50 to Encore then got Brant straightaway in the same ten-pull. I want that luck in my main account!!! 😭 *sigh*. Also got his signature weapon early (around 40ish pull). This account totally didn't prepare for him lol. Just thought I should try pulling a bit since I can put him in a team with Changli.