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# Wuthering Waves
2024 posts
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Interest: Games
My Fangirl Side
This is me getting distracted from those events~
Another post on my Wuthering Waves adventures(?)...!
Tower of Adversity
Almost 30 crests! I guess it's my day this time since the tower buffs for both left and right towers are for Havoc and Aero - I have decently-built Rover & Jiyan. Had troubles with Mech Abomination in the middle tower so I only managed to get 2 crests XD. Did some lower floors with Camellya - I'm so not used to her yet because she seems to mainly use basic attacks (and hold for spinning) so it's taking me some time to adjust to that :P ...[I'm someone who always fight using resonators that spam E button (resonance skill)]
Camellya's Companion Story
Been procrastinating because I don't want to finish it too soon... Finally started few days ago and loving it so far. I was surprised by myself. Honestly glad that I'm able to separate enjoying her story/character with how I feel uncomfortable with the community so... I guess it's just a matter of spending more time with the game is better than consuming media related to the game that I find uncomfortable. (Though I did return to scrolling around the subreddit because of the 2.0 news :P)
Oh yeah, I think another reason I'm enjoying her companion story is because it involves Rover's past and Black Shores
Pincer Maneuver Warriors Event
Took me some time to figure out how to score in this combat event. I notice it's mainly about basic attacks (makes sense, since Camellya's banner is running) and Havoc resonators. It's interesting that some hate the event on Reddit because they think it's only to promote Camellya. I have her but I'm still not used to her so that doesn't make the event any easier for me.
Anyway, I think it doesn't have to be her... you can still use other Havoc resonators and anyone that make use of basic attacks. In Jiyan's case, I ended up using less Resonance Liberation skill because it takes too much time and the attacks aren't considered basic attack damage. So.. Jiyan isn't really effective in the higher difficulty stages. Xiangli Yao is great. I might experiment with Encore & Aalto later. Sometimes I even skip using the echoes or only use them when swapping characters. Oh yeah, sometimes I also skip having a healer because I just want everyone to give high basic attack damages.
Echoes > 2000
Amazingly, I've finally hit the inventory limit 2000 (several times, even!) recently. Especially after the double drop event for Tacet fields. I've started to mark them discarded more closely and frequently because of this.
Also, something I just realised... yes, building characters and upgrading weapons takes a lot of resources but I think building echoes will be much more expensive than those two on the long run. Especially when you can't predict what substats you get. It's also not easy to get the materials (in my case, it's the echo xp... my tuners are fine, at least for now). I always end up just going "eh, good enough" with mine lol...