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2021 posts
Art Stuff
Ohno Satoshi 大野智
On This Day
On This Day post!
Only one post from the past and it's from the year 2019. Quite recent. And it's about art.
And... I'm bringing that quote back here (from my Tumblr):
"Getting ‘stuck’ is a sign that you are trying to improve yourself. If you don’t struggle, you won’t find inspiration." -Yoshitomo Nara (answer to Ohno’s question on being ‘stuck’ in creating art)
It's actually from an article on but the site doesn't seem to exist anymore. There's an arama LJ post on that.
I still love that quote! It can apply to other things too, if you really think about it.
So it was kind of scary that some time in the middle of the year I suddenly had the urge to create art.
Yeah.. this was in 2019. I don't experience that urge that much this year but it's there. I still don't do it as often as I want.
I had that one moment where a voice inside me said, "I want to paint something." I didn't respond to that urge immediately though.
Didn't "hear" this "voice" much either. I think it's because I've allowed myself to go do it if I want? I don't know.
I'm...slowly getting there.
It's definitely a very slow journey :P