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2020 posts
Art Stuff
at random
Gardening Stuff
Interest: Games
Interest: TV
My Fangirl Side
Seiyuu Love
This Made My Day
【 Gardening 】
You've heard the stories. The stuff people do during MCO, quarantine, isolation, lockdown etc... I didn't think I experience THAT much changes compared to last year but I confess.. I got bitten by the gardening bug this year haha. I don't consider myself a follower of fads but when I do, I get into it so bad. Now I seek for TV shows that feature plants and gardening and manga with gardening theme.. and I started getting interested in creating botanical paintings (which is fine with my being into art recently but still...)..
Actually, it's not really new to me because I grew catnip for my cats in 2017-18. They are still alive - one flowered twice this year - although I recently pruned them to like 1/3 of their original size. I also still have my aloe vera that was purchased in 2017 at the Asia City tamu. It almost died (along with my rosemary, who didn't make it RIP) but in the end it survived and gives me aloe vera babies (they are so cute!) since then. Probably have to move some of them to their own pots because they are getting cramped again in their pot.
I feel like I should include some photos at this point... but I'm quite nervous because I might jinx it. Maybe in the future?
Anyway, so yeah... gardening bug... now I'm browsing for seeds online instead of books and stationery (yay?) but seeds can be expensive too because of the shipping fees. Why seeds you ask? Because it's cheaper.. and I seldom go out anymore (hah!).. uhh.. Also, I'm interested in plants that might not be available in nurseries. I get seeds for fruits/vegetables that I want to eat, plants with blue/purple flowers (it's oddly specific but yeah), & aromatic/fragrant plants... I'm also interested in weird-looking ones.. and most succulents fall under this haha (want to get some lithops in the future).
【 Anime 】
I've been watching more anime recently and one of it is "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me". The anime is so chaotic!! ...but honestly, it's just the kind of thing I'm into *almost makes me wonder why I took so long to watch it haha*. As I watched more episodes, I find myself relating so much to one of the characters, Tsukimiya, that I had to check if he's an xNTP.. I found one site that says he's an ENTP.. which just makes me more. No wonder!
I also re-watched the first 3 seasons of Natsume Yuujinchou and now catching up with the latest seasons that I haven't watched. Got reminded again how much I love the manga...
【 Youtube 】
Saw some "Fall Guys" playthrough recently and it made me want to play too! It's so weird how fast I got interested in it (apparently I skipped some of Pocky Sweets' videos of him playing it.. lol).. I'm already planning on buying it soon. I'll just tell myself it's a birthday present for me haha