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2021 posts
Interest: TV
On This Day
Online Shopping
Been watching "My Bargain Queen" since early this week. The only reason that made me watch it: Lin Gengxin. Only up to #17 for now but I like it so far. Every time I predict that it's going to go that way, it turns the other way... I like that it defies my expectations in its small ways but it is still mainly predictable, IMO, and that is okay with me.
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I posted about "Reading Slump" on this same day and month, two years ago.
Oh wow... two years already.
I went to the first ever Big Bad Wolf Sale in Kota Kinabalu months ago and that kind of jumpstart my wish to get back to reading physical books.Well. This is awkward. I think since they started selling on Shopee end of 2020, it's like I go to one every month lol
During my SPM year, I was so thirsty for books (which probably was just me running away from the stress) that I started reading classic novels.I do read more this year. I even read books I never thought I would this year. I've also finished books that I've been reading for years. But even after all that, I don't think I'm that person again. Maybe I'll never be like that person again. I noticed some new reading habits now that I don't think I have in the past. Used to be okay with reading short stories but now I both like and hate them. I kept getting worried when it doesn't look like I'm making any progress at any books I read. I also get picky on the writing styles.
I want to be that person again.
In the end, I think it's okay if I don't read the same as past-me... as long as I still read. I read mainly to escape reality. (Ooh.. suddenly it makes sense why I read more this year...)