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Shopping Bag
Finally went to the BBW books sale at ITCC Penampang today!
Surprisingly (or not?), I exercised great restraint(?) this time around lol. It does feel different from my 2019 experience. I know what books I want. I browsed through the titles faster & better (I think. Probably because I always do that online haha). It does help that the book prices don't feel as cheap as before (very understandable) so you will think more carefully before getting them. I'm also still in that pessimistic reader phase so I'm kind of very sceptic and suspicious of some of the books :P
I decided to stick with authors I've read from before and want to read more. That means I only found these two lol:
- The Outward Urge - Yesssh, more Wyndham!
- Parable of the Sower - It's quite hard to find her books on Shopee so I'm glad that I found one today
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