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2022 posts
Pick-A-New-Book Jar
Title is that because... it's his birthday today. This is me saying "Happy Birthday" silently in my heart. I don't think he reads my blog (maybe he doesn't even know the url so basically I'm greeting the air with Happy Birthday lol).
Woke up with a headache. It got less painful after eating breakfast.
I'll never know with these headaches, is it lack of oxygen or caffeine withdrawal or hormones or something else?
So... I finished "Human Voices" around midnight. I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it even though it sounds more interesting than "At Freddie's"... but I actually quite like it? I ended up loving this one character that only started appearing near the middle. Annie Asra. I'm not even sure why I love her but I do! Oh and this also had an ending that made me go "WHA~~AT!"
I'll never know with these headaches, is it lack of oxygen or caffeine withdrawal or hormones or something else?
So... I finished "Human Voices" around midnight. I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it even though it sounds more interesting than "At Freddie's"... but I actually quite like it? I ended up loving this one character that only started appearing near the middle. Annie Asra. I'm not even sure why I love her but I do! Oh and this also had an ending that made me go "WHA~~AT!"
I think I'm getting used to her style of storytelling. Her other books sounds like historical fiction too (I don't want to read too much of the synopses) but I might want to read them in the future.
Anyway, that's done and it's Sunday - time to pick a new book from the jar!
*shake shake*
I got... "Merry-Go-Round" by Takuma Okazaki.
Well, that just randomly came out of nowhere. I mean.. I know it's expected when one do this jar thing (duh) but I didn't expect this haha. It's actually a nice surprise actually. I do want to read the other Japanese novels (or light novels) I have that are translated to Malay by Gempak Starz. Especially now after I finished the Kotenbu series (loved the last book I read recently).
*takes book out of bookshelf*
*takes more books out*
Yeah... I also took out:
"The Magicians of Caprona" - I'm currently rereading the Chrestomanci series so this is next book I'm going to read.
...and "Otherworld" - This is what I got from that jar I might not be mentioning much (lol) in this blog. I'm just casually mentioning it, okay :P.
I don't know when I'm going to start these two but I thought I'll just get them out early to prepare. I've not been returning read books back to the shelf, now they are everywhere *sigh*. Just from the Pick-A-New-Book Jar, I've not been putting them back since I finished "Green Island" since February? (*゚艸゚*) #oops
Oh, another thing.. I realised I'm like less than 100 pages away from finishing "Inkspell"! According the schedule [I planned], I'm supposed to finish it on May 31st but seeing how close I'm to the end has somewhat make me want to read more. Maybe I'll finish this early?
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