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2021 posts
Lazy Day Musings
Life: Anecdotes
No Mood
The Weather Looks...
White, cloudy sky.
Suddenly recalled how it was so hard when one get sick during shift work. You're basically able to work if you still can walk. Since we were short of staff, we should keep in mind that there's no one who can take over your shift (okay, technically we had candidates... like me who once worked the night shift the day before who had to go down to the office in the afternoon, the same day. Yeah, yeah, the benefits of screwed-up sleep cycle... there's also Kakak, who will take care of things when she could). Also recalled that one time our boss got complaints that one of us sounded angry on the phone, which might be the other senior who had a coarse, deep voice due to cold (but it could have also been me #oops).
Oh wow.. I don't know why I suddenly recall all these details from the past. It's just making me remember unhappy things and I don't like that.