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I'm ending September 2021 with a bang!
Okay, well, it's just three posts in a day but it's still rare. The most I did is two posts a day.
I think this second time went by even quicker than the first (makes sense with the registration and stuff during the first). Didn't even finish a chapter of "The Gambler".
My other posts got long so I feel the need to separate them. This one will be the shortest today.
So, I went out for the second time this year.
Yes. I got vaccinated with the 2nd dose hours ago. I would take a screenshot of my vaccination status on MySejahtera like my 9.9 post but as of now, it still says "Partially Vaccinated" (although I have the digital cert already). I'm fine with that. It's not like I can and will go out of the house tomorrow.
So just this (as proof):
I think this second time went by even quicker than the first (makes sense with the registration and stuff during the first). Didn't even finish a chapter of "The Gambler".