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Knit/Crochet Stuff
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Honestly, sometimes I wish I don't have emotions. I don't want to be more angry than I should be. I don't want to feel guilty when I shouldn't have to. But if I really lose my emotions, I would not be able to feel happy (it's not the most important thing to me but it's an emotion I don't mind having). Or all the other positive emotions (can't name any at this moment haha). I've experienced feeling numb before but that's different, right? It's more like an emotion blanket that covers the true emotions I'm feeling.
Oops.. this post got a bit dark at the beginning. Let's move on to other things...
3 stripes done, 4 stripes more to go. Doesn't look like pillow case yet but I know the end-result will be satisfying so I won't stop halfway. Might also look like a weird colour combination but this will make sense later.
By the way, I finished reading "1984" early morning (yes, I lost sleep but IMO this isn't worth losing sleep over. I just want to finish it before I procrastinate reading). I noticed that this is actually [psychological] horror when I was near the end. I thought, "This wouldn't happen in real wo..", then paused and realised that I'm not sure. It could happen (or already happened) and that's a scary thing. Maybe not the same but something similar in other forms. I don't want to live in a world like that.
Reading once is enough. I probably will not read this one again. It stresses me out seriously
Slowly getting to know what anime to watch this season. I find myself liking "The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent" (it's another isekai-themed anime). It's only at Episode 2 but I'm already rooting for Sei with Albert (who is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro btw XD). It's just so adorable seeing him crushing (somewhat) over her. It reminded me a bit of "Akagami no Shirayuki-hime"... (oh wow I never finished watching the anime version... and I need to catch up with the manga).