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2021 posts
Arashi 嵐
blog images
Ninomiya Kazunari 二宮和也
Observation Diary
I ended up finding Google Groups today and apparently I'm in two groups...?
I left one of them but this one group...
...It won't let me do that.
Very amused by that because it makes it sound like a cult.
I'm guessing that this is Google's Panoramio group thing.. *shrugs* I don't know really... but seems harmless (for now), so I'll let it be.
P/s (few hours later) : Saw a rumour on Twitter in the afternoon about Nino and a new Youtube channel. A video was just released confirming it's HIS Youtube channel.
I REALLY, REALLY want to see him play games on his channel! I'd been hoping for that since Arashi has their own channel.