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2021 posts
About Blogging
blog anniversary
My Dark Side
My Do-S Side
On This Day
I finally got that new Google chat thing. Read (belatedly) that Hangouts is changing into Chat just early this year. I'm excited although it's really nothing to be excited about lol.
Anyway, another "On This Day" post! I posted two blog posts from 2008 on this same day. And... I was talking about books and blogging so maybe I'll find something interesting.
First post... "Blabbers #1 : Post too long?"
Bwahaha! I was really into making blog post titles with such format back then. I realise now that those kind of format is only useful if you keep track or remember them. Probably better for series kind of posts that you already have an end number (like "Greece Trip #1 - Airport" / "Greece Trip #7 - Flying Back Home).
Random-ness #1... Blabbers #1? Haha... I've given them numbers so that I can keep track how many random-ness and blabbers have I posted. It's kind of organized to be labelled/categorized that way..
Oh past-me. Nope. You just made more work for me. I can't even keep track of my... our labelling system. This is weird.
As this blog is just, what, 2 months old?, I might as well make it all organized early. Hmmm. *Maybe that's where my perfectionism is.*
This got me at first, "What do you mean 2 months??" Then I realised past-me meant me using this new blog url. It used to be something else before. Then I brought the old posts (posted backdated) here.
This is the last post on that blog. Yeah, I still keep it. But it's private now. |
Decided to keep old blog url not public anymore. You'll be seeing Maru in posts that mentioned them. I'm giving a big SHHHHHH to everyone who knows it. Don't ever mention it in this blog.
And.. the perfectionist part... I know I'm still one at heart but I'm trying to tone it down. I think I said that thrice already in this blog haha. I just mentioned it in another "On This Day" post.
Oh yeah another thing. I used to (and recently do it again) write in blue colour. I don't remember if I explained it before...? Whatever you see in blue was... is... supposed to be my dark side. Apparently I've acknowledged its existence since before this post in 2019... I usually write bold, shocking things [that I usually won't say in real life] in that colour. Sometimes, it's just random stuff though.
And the rest of the post was just me talking about the formatting in my previous post.
I started reading books again a few months ago.
Are you me? Oh yeah, you are. LOOOOL
Jokes aside... see that? I have those moments. Those reading slumps. Oof.
I have many unread books in my bookshelf. Mostly are classic novels... I've become fond of classic ones since I read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë in Form 5 and been buying classic novels whenever I have money..
I still have many unread ones that I'm interested in reading. To me, reading classic novels require you to be in a certain mood. I have left some unfinished/dropped early because I read it during a wrong mood/time.
*sigh* I've forgotten how much reading books can be exciting and addicting. Surprisingly, I found it more fun than watching serial dramas because it's all happening in my mind - I can pick or create any cast I like according to my preference. It's a very peculiar (in a good way) experience to me actually.
Ahhh that feeling huh... Can't really relate much to that at this moment because my way of reading is changing(?). I'm still experimenting and I'll be honest, I'm so afraid of not enjoying books I loved before anymore. There's also that thing where you used to enjoy YA books but not anymore after you became an adult.
Somewhat new thing I find as I read now is, I imagine the writer or character narrating the book to me...? I guess this only happen to ones which I know how their voice sound like. Like "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" and "The Gun Seller".
There are times I have to hold myself from continue reading because I want to keep it for tomorrow... but at the same time, dying to know what happened next.
Now, regarding this, I usually just continue reading haha.. Unless I'm sleepy. Sleep takes priority.
The rest of the post was me fangirling over Diana Wynne Jones books.
Yeah... so the 2 months thing was bothering me so I went to look for my first post in 2008. Horrified to find old blog link there so I removed it.
So that's another date I didn't care to remember in this blog. February 5th 2005 is when I did my first post in the old blog. Then I moved to a new blog url in 2008 and the first post was made on January 6th.
Here I am left wondering why I didn't pick a more memorable date lol. Feb 5th is understandable but I could've pick a good, easier-to-remember date in 2008.
Anyway, there's also an explanation for the blue thing there.
Another new thing - Besides me blogging, I'll have the other-me blog too. Who's other-me you ask? I'm not crazy, but other-me is an attempt to expose the "evil" or "opposite" side of me. When I am thinking, I often look at the positive and negative sides of things that sometimes I end up imagining silly and stupid things in my head. It's like the small angel-devil appearing in cartoons that says,"Do it," & "No, don't do it."The other-me can be seen in blue.
The so-called dark side is apparently other-me, the evil/opposite side of me.
I was aware of it that early!
By the way, I also do that devil's advocate thing sometimes. I didn't know the term before but I do that thing. My mother got mad at me when I argue with her about something... that I don't even believe in. "Whose side are you on really?" I probably just do that for fun, other than looking at the positive and negative sides of things.
Read before that this is something INTP always do. #INTPhere