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2019 posts
Arashi 嵐
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「 A-RA-SHI : Reborn」
Arashi just released a new digital song. I was surprised that the lyric is mostly in English! (A nod to international fans?)
「Don't Wanna Be Sick」
Less than two weeks left to year 2020... I really, really hope I won't fall sick this end of year! I fell sick almost every year during this season and sometimes it continued to the new year so I was very much in a bad mood in the beginning of the year. This was among the things that make me dislike Christmas Events even more...
「Something Different in January」
I just heard from my father that he would be taking a [long] vacation next month. He seldom apply for vacation at work so that was interesting to hear. Also, because of that, we would be going to different churches in January. That's something fresh coming from him (I brought up the idea before but he didn't seem to like it very much at that time..) - that's the part that amuses me most. I probably will change my mind later but I look forward to that.