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2019 posts
Tumblr of the Day
Tumblr of the Day:
Found this on Tumblr.
Extra comments...
① Most recent was Howl's Moving Castle (Folio Society). I wanted it but that's a luxury I couldn't afford to have now.
② I use Goodreads but I also have a note in Evernote that contains dates I start and finish a book (that I didn't bother to update in Goodreads). The problematic one will be my want-to-read list. I used to make one in GDrive then I moved the list to Evernote, which hasn't been updated since like forever.
③ It used to be like that before but I think I can control myself now... I think I did well when the Big Bad Wolf Books was in Kota Kinabalu. My family might disagree with me though.
④ Nope. Not true for me. I think people don't know that I read...? And I'll just be honest if I never read the book.
⑤ I just let the situation be awkward and/or give a "So what?" look.
⑥ This is a struggle, yes. *glances at my long wishlist on Kinokuniya, Amazon jp, CDjapan, honto, popular*
⑦ YES.
⑧ *nods*
⑨ This one's interesting. Does it mean to read more books or you stop reading? Because I have (had?) both. As I said before, I want to get back to reading as if I'm thirsty for books. I also have a reading slump.
⑩ I do this but I don't recommend it. Sometimes some books are left unread (I hate it when that happens).
⑪ Yes.
⑫ If I like the series, I will finish it (unless it's long and hard to find). So this might apply to series I lost interest in?
⑬ Oh.. did this several times before because I was curious of the ending. Probably not going to do it again.
⑭ Yeah... about this.. I just give up lol.. if there's someone who's going to talk to me I'll close the book. No point in continuing if I can't concentrate on reading.
⑮ I've been told that I spend too much on books (even though I have a pile of them that I haven't read yet!)
⑯ Ooohh.. and reddit threads! I love looking at them!
⑰ Sigh.. I wish they used another phrase for this but okay..
⑱ This was me in secondary school.