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2010 posts
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
Did it rain today? :)
Hmmm... it stayed shiny though while I was in my kampung (near Kota Belud) few hours ago.
Yesterday I was suddenly hit by the thought of wanting to visit my grandma. It's been a while since the last time I visited her. Then my father got a call from kampung asking us to come because my grandma was sick. So, today we went.
I don't want to call it awkward, cause it wasn't really that... but today the visit was kind of different from the usual. My granny kept talking know.. 'going away, never to return' stuff. Huh. See. I don't even want to type out the word. Anyway. My aunts/uncles (including my father) just laughed at her sudden worries (not the mocking/inconsiderate kind of laugh, ok?) - she was describing a dream, but I wasn't paying much attention - and to be honest, I don't even want to think about it (too depressing for me).
Huh... Actually I don't really know what to feel about this. Everyone seems okay with it (not thinking much to it, acting positively).