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2010 posts
University: Year 1
"Have you written your name in the list?"
"There's a list? She said we can go [to class] anytime."
"Yes. There's a list. There. *points*"
"Oh. Do you have a pen? Can I borrow for a while?"
10 seconds left before I hand the pen to him. Somehow, I knew it will never return to me.
*scribbles name*
I waited.
*On the phone. Scribbles more names.*
Not gonna come back.
*Talks to a friend.*
Maybe there's still hope.
*Friend takes pen. Scribbles her name.*
Or not.
*More friends arrived. Someone else uses the pen.*
That's it.
I entered the lab with my friend with an amused look.
Note to self : I will always remember to bring a sacrifice-able pen with me.
(Or I can lie too..)
If you love to hate, does it mean you hate to love too?
Last year's "Recently Loved" : Jurassic Park novels. Jurassic Park movies.
- often quote something from JP movies.
- wished I'm a mathematician like Dr Ian Malcolm.
- wished I'm a paleontologist.
- Whenever someone burped loudly (usually me. Lol.)... I say "Just like a raptor."
- This picture made me smile. Not because of Edward and Bella.
(Found this here. Dunno who made it.)
This year's "Recently Loved" : Ghostbusters movies.
- sings "Do, Re, Egon..."
- keep playing the game even though I'd reached the end.
- makes references to scenes in the movies.
- wished I'm a ghostbuster.
I hate to admit this but I'm already feeling tired this week (Week 3 of Semester 2!). Lots of waiting and sweat involved. These 3 things had been dwelling in my mind for months already. Oh. Except #1, that happened today. A cheap pen only... so I don't really mind.
I'll introduce to you my green mechanical pencil that I keep since Form 4 (2004) later. That's one pencil I will never lend to anyone.