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2010 posts
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
University: Year 1
"Ethnic Relations" presentation started today. So far, only five groups had presented their topic. Bleh. They weren't that good (I think the lecturer thought the same too but he didn't say anything harsh). Some didn't prepare... got their facts wrong, long-winded opening/ending, too semi-formal (some wore slippers!) and wasn't serious (jokes here and there). Hopefully my group won't do those mistakes.
Also... Finally met the lecturer for "Data Structure" today. So now I have classes 8am-4pm for two consecutive days. It's only the beginning of the week but I feel beaten already. The weather was extraordinarily hot since yesterday which I suspect is [still] causing me headache right now... I slept with headache. I woke up with headache. Major Owww. Hard to think clearly with headache...
Anyway. "Data Structure" class seems like another potential favourite. Haha. It's closely-related to the other potential favourite course ("Object-Oriented Programming"), so no surprise there.