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2009 posts
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
Exam Sem1
Exams and Tests
University: Year 1
~Art Appreciation
“I don’t wanna study… Don’t wanna study…”
Tembak-tembak jawab… Whatever will be, will be…
Handed in early…
“Oh La La?”
//The Course// Art Appreciation… It was a fun course. I like the lecturer even though she started class three weeks late. She delivered ‘fast’ lectures. In our first class, she finished all three topics that should be covered earlier in 2 hours (or less. I don’t remember). Wow. Anyway. What I remember most for this course is the group presentations. Lots of them (the lecturer said our class had the most students compared to other “Art Appreciation” classes). I think half of the classes conducted were all presentations only. Some of the topics presented were interesting (How to take photo/photographing techniques) & nice (Hong Kong movies – horror, martial art, comedy…), mostly boring & too wordy (their powerpoint slides).
Then there’s that group performance. Yeah. It’s quite easy (the appreciating part) and fun (no wonder there’s so many 2nd year engineering students took this).
//Exam// It was an MCQ exam. The questions were okay. If I had read my notes (which of course I didn’t) carefully, I should have been able to answer it better than today. The lecture notes were not that easy to find… so I guess that’s why after 30 minutes or so, people started handing in their question papers and answer sheets. Wow. By the time I hand in mine, half of the hall was empty. Whether they were too smart to be able to answer in a short span of time or just clueless of what to answer, I don’t know…
Oh, well. I have no expectations for good marks…