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# Kenny Lin
2024 posts
The Weather Looks...
I'm here to complain about the weather~~~
We had a few rainy days every week this month but the other non-rainy days were just humid hot... the humidness makes it so much worse gahhhh I hate it!
So... I ended up going to the Matta fair at SICC last Friday with my family. Main reason of going: I wanted to be in a air-conditioned room (it was good cooled air btw! lol) hahahah seriously though. The weather is hot enough for me to complain at least once daily *sigh*
After that, we stopped by at Suria Sabah for lunch. Also tried llaollao frozen yoghurt for the first time there with Biscoff crumbs, pistachio sauce and Biscoff sauce as the toppings. Really loving that Biscoff sauce though, that's like one of my favourite textures for eating lolOther updates:
- I've been watching some of this season's anime but the watching slump is still so bad... Wouldn't surprise me if I abandon some of them (to watch for later)
- Started watching "The Legend of ShenLi" (it will forever bother me that the official title isn't "Shen Li" or "Shenli" lol) and fell in love with the opening instrumental theme (another link, just in case). It's soooo good!
- Finished reading "Queen of the Tiles". It was just okay, I guess. I don't particularly find the characters likeable. Including the dead character (not spoiler btw) the title of the book refers to.
- Started reading "Chess"... I'm reading it very slowly so I'm pretty much still in the beginning...