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2023 posts
Interest: TV
Unfortunately, didn't get to finish "The Unreal & The Real" yesterday. I read until I can't understand what's on the page so had to stop... I have the longer ones left today and that was a very trying reading experience indeed. Seriously tempted to DNF some of the stories *sigh*. It's so weird. When it's interesting, it's nice to read but when it's not, I get bored to death.
Anyway, due to my head situation yesterday, I was craving some easy-to-watch movies so I chose "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief".. finished it in one sitting XD. Started watching the sequel straight away but continued it later in the morning... I enjoyed them. I heard that it wasn't a good adaptation so that made me a bit curious about the books. My thoughts went this way: if I think the movies are good enough by their own, then I might like the books more...?
I look forward to the TV series version because I read Toby Stephens is in it as Poseidon.
It feels a bit nostalgic watching the movies. I used to have interest in Greek mythology because of the stuff I saw on TV. I got like woken up after reading a book on the real thing... I guess I was too young to appreciate them but it was quite hard to stomach some of the stories at that age lol
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