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# AI: The Somnium Files
2022 posts
Haven't exactly finished Furuba S2 today but at least I have 2 or 3 episodes left... I said before that S1 was "purifying" but S2 is... emotionally-draining. *HAAAH* This is not- I don't think you should marathon this anime (unless you don't care about the story and characters' development). And it's not something I'll want to watch again in, maybe, 2-3 years time. It's more like a once a decade thing. At least, that's what I think :\
...but maybe that's just me. I'm very erm... sensitive(?) with family-themed stories. Furuba has it all, the best and worst parents... [ahh that might be why I love "AI: The Somnium Files" too... the family theme...]... still very much full of hate for that character. It made me think that they were created so that you won't hate the other characters (especially the main ones...) I probably would have hate Tohru (don't ask why... fortunately, it never reached that level though so it's fine :D...) if I'm not too busy hating this character. They are the character you will choose to hate as a symbol... Hate Yuki? Hate that person instead. It's easier. Hate Kyo? This way... Just hate that person instead.
LOOOL this post is full of the word "hate"...
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