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2021 posts
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Online Shopping Bag
Ooo-kay. Still feeling meh.
Received some language-related books (yeah) that were purchased on Shopee today. Was about to take a photo (as usual) when this thought came: "What if I'm jinxing myself if I do this?" Weirdly, I'm superstitious(?) when it comes to things like these. Look, I know myself best. From past occurrences, there is a high probability that I will never start learning what I want to learn. So, I'm just going to mention vaguely what those books are. French. German. Russian. That's all.
Been skimming through the books just now and I got sleepy all of a sudden XD
*laughs without noise*
*still laughing oh so silently*
...It's just that... this "getting sleepy" thing reminds me of when I just started learning Japanese [blindly]. At that time, I barely remember how to read hiragana and katakana so I was like just there trying to guess what that sentence means. Only the kanji parts made a bit sense to me. I like to think that it wasn't my sleeping problem, but my brain being tired seeing new stuff, that caused that sleepiness. Is our brain affected when we learn a new language? Does it become tired and sleepy? I think I also had some headaches in the past. But... maybe that's just a psychological thing.
I do wonder how well I'll do this time? Probably it will mess up my brain good because it's like "reprogramming" or something to accommodate the new knowledge. Oooh can't wait