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2021 posts
About Blogging
The Weather Looks...
It's Sunday.
...And it's raining heavily outside.
The rain doesn't make me feel down like last month's. In fact, I feel like reading now. Will do that later.
5 blogging-related things about me. Just wanted to talk about it. Nothing new probably.
- I correct any typos/grammar mistakes in old posts
I see this blog as a normal website. So anything like that (pretty sure there are plenty that I've overlooked), I'll correct them from time to time. I don't care if it's not in the spirit of preserving old records or something. I have enough of them in my old diaries. Since it's editable in blogger dashboard, I do it. Of course, sometimes I left some "edited" notes if it's something very noticeable (like photos and stuff).
- I keep my old blog(s)
There are people who chose to delete their old blog entries (I hope you did a backup...). I moved to a new blog url and reposted (backdated) the old entries there. So far, my personal blog has changed url only once but I still keep the old blog which are currently only accessible by me. I read once (in a blogging guide book borrowed from the library) it's advisable to keep them to avoid someone impersonating you in the future. I don't know if that's still applicable now but I do see that happening on Tumblr. Not really the impersonating part, more like mistaken identity when a new person took over a Tumblr that was owned by another person.
- I used to sign guestbooks with my blog url
Okay this is what my younger self used to do. Not always though. I visited a place like botanical garden or zoo (or something similar) with guestbooks that you can fill in your thoughts etc. I like to add in my blog url with my signature. It's quite embarrassing when I think back to it now. Currently, I want to blog in peace without disclosing my real name.
- I have several blogs
I guess this isn't really new. The info can be seen on top or bottom of this blog. Also in "Contact Me" page. And under R in my "About Me" page. Some of them are mainly for my interests. I also have a Wordpress blog but I'm still thinking what to do there (writing?) because I'm quite interested in learning how to blog on Wordpress.
- I've been blogging daily since January 1st 2021
I never really declare it before but kind of decided to try blogging daily this year. There's a list of them in my 2021 posts page. This is the longest I've ever been on doing daily-blogging. I did some NaBloPoMo challenges in the past but this has gone beyond that.
Not sure if it's going to continue in the future (maybe this post will jinx me to not doing a post tomorrow hehe)... but I hope it will. It has been somewhat therapeutic for me having this one routine I do everyday. I mean.. I'm aware there are other things one can do daily but finding something to blog about daily is not really that easy. Which is why there are more silly and meaningless posts (lol), which is okay btw, this blog is where I throw my thoughts out for you (unfortunately :P) and future-me to read.
Yeah... so hope you have a great weekend (I don't really care what you do during your weekend but have a great one anyway :P)