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Ohno Satoshi 大野智
On This Day
On This Day post!
Kind of. I rather not revisit one of the posts... I mean, I'll reread that post for today but I'm going to skip it.
I posted thrice in the past on June 25th! So amused by this actually. Like, wow, I was so busy in June, I had contents to write a blog post on... Oh well. One of it cringes me to no end so... *skipped*! (It's from 2006 btw)
2010 post was about me saying bye bye to my sister.
Do you think my coursemates & future coursemates mind if I ask them to e-mail me if they want to reach me instead of texting me? Selfish me.
Ah...I don't even want to text people at that time lol (although it's probably due to broken phone /I really don't remember). Texting is kind of rarer these days.. I don't particularly mind it anymore (I'm more "Don't call me" nowadays XD). Since you can do it for free depending on your telco plans. I used it frequently with one of my ex-colleagues to inform about his tasks in 2017-18. At that time, he still used the old nokia phone so he wasn't reachable using WhatsApp.
The most interesting part I wanted to talk about is this:
Totally forgot I would and could do that. I have some posts with questionable spammy traffic. Maybe I'll do something similar for those posts later. No one will even realise it happen except rss feed users because it will be reposted using the same date.
2011 post was a Saturday 9 post!
1. What has someone done unusual to make you feel their love?[...] I forgot to bring a history reference book to school. The teacher was a scary one so I was afraid all the time before his class (in the noon I think). Two of my best friends that were sitting beside me each brought me a reference book they borrowed from someone else (at different times).
Oh, hello history-reference-book story. This is a very fond memory of mine during my PMR year. One of them is actually Mel-chan (who I always mention in this blog). The other is S-san, and we are currently not in contact with each other.
2. Do you own a smart phone? If yes, is it everything you wanted? If no, how seriously have you considered a purchase of the new smart phone?Yes. It isn't perfect but it was what I wanted in the beginning. I've always been interested in machines/devices with touch screen since little.
This was when smart phone was just starting to become the norm. I'm crazy about anything with touch screens. Currently wishes to own an ebook reader although I know it's not priority (because I would still buy physical books).
3. Have you ever camped out to purchase something?No.4. What is your worst habit?Procrastinating.
No changes there.
5. What is your best habit?Able to catch on/pick up something (knowledge, information, change of atmosphere...) quickly *sometimes I lie :P*.I don't know if you can call this a habit but it's the only thing I like about myself, so let me call it my best habit for now.Sometimes it doesn't work well.Like for math.
This is still true today. I put "Fast Learner" in my resume. I'm kind of a monster at it, in both good and bad way. Yeah, this is not me bragging (hopefully it doesn't come across that way, wait, actually.. I don't really care if it's like that), it's just something I observed when I was at work 3 years ago. I'm not a nice person - I'm quite manipulative and calculative - I'll do what's needed to survive in a toxic workplace.
6. In your opinion, what is life's greatest mystery?Ohno Satoshi. It's my life's greatest mystery.
Awww. Past-me, same. Still my life's greatest mystery. Knowing my personality, my ichiban should've been Sho or Nino. So, I still find it interesting that Ohno is my ichiban.
7. Are you one of those people who is constantly busy with projects, social outings, etc. or do you just like to lay low and stay home?I generally don't like to go out (socializing?) unless it's family members (including relatives) or friends I'm close to. I always have something I want to do at home. My personal projects have no ends. I do like to travel or go on sightseeing trips though.
Kinda funny seeing this now, during this pandemic era(?). Actually, my answer will be pretty much the same 10 years later. Still feel the same about travels and sightseeing trips (I wanna see plants!).
8. Whether you're busy all the time or like to just chill, have you always been that way?Have always been like this since ten years ago...
Wow, doesn't seem like I answered the question huh... ah but it might have been related to Q7. So... it will still have the same answer lol only it's now "twenty years ago"
9. Is there something you'd like to change about how you spend your time? If so, what is it? If not, why not?Hmmm. I don't really want to change anything... except the time I spend for studying Math. I want to believe that the time spent to study ensures that I could develop interest in the subject, be more familiar with the subject and able to answer well in exams/tests. This is because when it involves subjects I don't really have genuine interest in it, I'm not convinced that I have studied properly. [...]
Urggh.. I still don't feel good about Math. Learning in primary and secondary schools were okay but when you get to the deeper stuff, there's no love anymore, only hate. Past-me, why would you ever think it's a good idea to study Math in uni???
Well, I might want to learn those advanced Math by my own time and pace (I've made peace with the subject just recently, it's one of the things I could learn during this #stayhome thingy). It's weird that I have a sudden crave for doing Math problems this year.
Is it obvious that I've not been out of my house for so long?