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2012 posts
Arashi 嵐
Blog Meme
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
Ohno Satoshi 大野智
University: Anecdotes
University: Year 2
Blog meme from here.
Saturday 9: Ain't Too Proud to Beg
1. What was the last thing that you begged for?
I'll be honest : it's money. Selfish reasons. ...and I won't say what it was for here because it might jinx my chances of getting it :P
2. Have you ever lost a best friend after a fight?
Ah... I did... I think I did. Shame on me... can't really remember when & who though. But I re-connected with one of them when I started secondary school. (^_^)V
3. When was the last time you just wanted to be invisible?
Two semesters ago was the time I realised I'm not interested with what I'm studying now. That realization affected my studies quite a lot. I wasn't motivated in doing assignments, homework & midterm/final exam papers. So it wasn't really a surprise when I screwed up a group assignment for my Virtual Reality class. I really wanted to be invisible on the presentation day. I created my group's poster (on what we created) in a wrong way/format & the whole project wasn't done according to what the lecturer asked for (actually I didn't know it was supposed to be in such a way). I told my partner what I did wrong & somewhat we (or I?) ended up telling my lecturer the truth. We were asked to present anyway. I didn't realised that my partner went missing during preparation. Ah.. I think I had mix reactions at that moment. My partner didn't answer the phone when I called her. I almost wanted to cry when my other classmates gave their moral support. Was thinking something like "Is this situation this bad already?" I actually thought of running away too XD
Wow. I didn't think this answer will be long lol..
4. Which room of your home tends to be the messiest?
Ah... my room? It's hard not to notice because I spend most of my time in my room XD
5. You are to be locked in a room forever with a celebrity. You get to choose. Who do you pick?
Arashi! Better yet...Ohno Satoshi! Hope he didn't learn much about pick-locking for his dorama XD
6. Has someone ever left another person to be with you?
7. What’s been kind of a drag for you lately?
Programming assignments.
8. How are you different from your (current or most recent) significant other?
Can't provide answer. Not applicable. XD
9. What is the most perverted thing someone has ever said to you?
I don't remember.