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2011 posts
Delayed Rebellious Phase (Cringeworthy)
University: Year 3
My blue MP3 is alive. ALIVE, I tell you! It was a miracle! I didn't think the battery would survive being washed in the washing machine. It was still playing the three HanaDan songs remix (at the "Love so Sweet" part) when I took it out of the pocket. It can't be turned off. Nothing can be seen on the screen. Unscrewed some parts and left everything in a container filled with beras raw rice for a week. AND IT SURVIVED.
Note-to-self : NEVER ever leave things in pockets anymore! Yes I'm paranoid
Today seems serene & peaceful.
Someone (junior) asked me what my group sell for APK two semesters ago.
Totally recommended them to sell food (even though it's not encouraged by the APK lecturers)
Had a very brief chat with Adv Math lecturer.
Met her near my course's notice board & she asked whether I'm from the Econ or CG program.
Scanned & e-mailed Adv Math tutorial questions to coursemates who didn't come last week.
Little things like these can brighten my day.
It feels great to be able to help someone.
...or talk to someone you seldom talk to.
It rained cats and dogs after my class finished. Went to pick up my mum in KK and saw a group of girls near the road to Sutera Harbour on the way back home. I think they were waiting for the bus... or other transportations. Anyway. The scene just made me think of how great having a home is. Even if you have to wait in the rain, drenched, you look forward to going home because you have a place you belong to that welcomes you.
Little things...