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2010 posts
University: Year 1
Monday always makes me unhappy... but today it's quite tolerable.
My "Language and Communication" class started today (after no classes for 2 weeks).
It was an eye-opener. (or more like a brain-opener... =P)
So that's how a "killer lecturer" (don't-harbour-any-hopes-of-getting-A-from-me type) looks like. Though she sounds frightening, I think I'm going to stay. She's the kind of lecturer I think usually only exists overseas (not that I've seen one overseas). She told us that she flunk all her students last semester (dunno if it's only one class session or ALL). Sounds very "killer", huh?
Anyway. The class went like this. No text books required. You have to think, observe and talk. Off-the-record discussions. No filters (& hopefully no cameras) present. I might even be in danger because I blogged this. Okay, maybe my grades are in danger. All the same...