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2009 posts
June! I'm in blogging mood for this month.
Although I only posted twice last month (it's just two days ago!)... I practically [micro]-blogged on Twitter almost everyday. Well, of course, my tweets weren't really anything important or read-worthy... but when I just don't feel like blogging on Blogger (the unpopular May *sigh*), I turn to Twitter because it's easier to blog in only 140 characters (or less). I found out about Plurk from a an ex-classmate's blog, and I considered for a few days whether to register for that too (or worst, switching.) But I realise I like it simple... I don't think I'm a Twitter addict [yet.] So I haven't experience the "withdrawal" effects if Twitter is down.
I joined Twitter in April... and this was among the things I expect when I started tweeting:
Oh yeah. I also think it's amusing to look back at what I'd tweeted . It's like my own mini diary or journal. It's perfect for those who don't want to blog a long post or don't bother to write little things (e.g. I'm watching...) in their diaries (like me). If I'm away from computer and internet connection, I can still micro-blog before blogging the real thing in my blog.
And it works fine for me.
Most of my tweets were meaningless (yeah, I have a very unexciting life). Who would want to know the mundane details of my life? ... Well, actually I do. It's turning more like my [real] online diary. I see the future me thinking : "Where was I on this day? Oh yeah. I went there." and (maybe) re-living the moments.
It's live diary-writing!
I thought the same thing about blogging few years ago, but I still started blogging, don't I? Why would twittering be a different thing? I'm starting to abandon my real physical diary because some things/events could be summarised in only a few words virtually. Though, I admit, everything lengthy will go to this blog and anything very personal will stay in the physical diary. They have their own "platforms".
One more thing. I'm aware of the Twitter vs RSS (I just recently read this) thing. Maybe I haven't really immerse myself in the Twitter world... but I do subscribe to some Twitterer's RSS (the RSS link in their Twitter site) in my Google Reader. Why? Because that's the first place I check when I surf the internet. I like to read everything I subscribed to in one place without having to open the websites one by one. But then.. I'm not really a computer-savvy kind of person. I tend to stick to things I'm familiar with and fond of (and maybe simplistic). I don't subscribe to every Twitterers I follow... [Using] RSS seems convenient for me to "follow" those I don't want to follow (but still want to read their tweets). I'm weird but that's how things are for now. I guess I only like to "observe"...if I don't have anything to say (contribute) I won't give any comments (I'm still trying to stop that habit though).
From the start, I don't expect anyone to follow me... well, except those I know personally (like ex-classmates, ex-schoolmates, friends, family...) I know some of my followers (Wow. That's so awkward for me to say) are expecting me to follow them back. Unless I'm interested with what they tweet, I won't follow them back. Yeah, sure it's exciting to know "someone (now) is following you" on Twitter...but I do wonder why? Because they searched for a word(s) and it led them to my tweets? Actually I'm a bit glad that there's no more link to the "public timeline" on my sidebar (although it still exists)...
I'm still searching for a way to display my tweets at this blog which satisfies me... And although they are meaningless, I still want to, well, have a back-up of my tweets (preferably in pdf format). I also think it would be nice if there's monthly archives corner etc where I can view my tweets by months they were posted (but that may make things complicated, though...)
Yeah... I'm still exploring.
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