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My Fangirl Side
Tumblr of the Day
- Just recently, I came to a realisation that I'm more like a book collector who reads. I'm quite picky about what I read... and I always try to avoid anything popular (including new, upcoming releases). "Always try", because sometimes, my curiosity gets the better of me and I ended up reading them anyways. This usually happen when I saw the adaptation of the book in the form of movie, drama series, anime etc... or I just simply like the plot.
- When I really love a book, you'll see things like these in my bookshelf :P *multiple copies!*
Something I posted before on my Litsy account. |
- Something related to the first fact. I never read this one popular series which I will never name (lol) and don't plan to in the near future. Never watched the movies [properly] too. It was super popular during my teenage years.
- I buy books/reading materials in other languages even though I can't read them (at that time). As mentioned in a 2019 post, due to being in fandoms, I had this habit of buying Chinese magazines. Plus some Chinese novels. Then this moved to Japanese language media such as manga and books. I'm very optimistic on these purchases because I
somewhatbelieved I can read them in the future. It became true in the end. My vocab & grammar aren't the best but I think it's good enough to understand what's happening. - Dictionaries are my old bestfriends. When you're learning a language, you have to at least have one dictionary for that language. I actually learnt how to read Traditional Chinese characters with the help of a dictionary left by a cousin who went to Taiwan before. Well, there are other factors that help me but that dictionary was one of them (even though it was outdated).
- I learnt to play chess from a book I borrowed from the library. Just the usual rules and stuff... but I never played with anyone before. Only against computer XD. I'm not particularly good at it.
- If my memory serves me correctly, the first book that made me raise the white flag ("Sorry, can't finish this") is Kim by Rudyard Kipling. Maybe I was too young when I attempt to read that book...? Or I'm just one impatient reader. Just can't get into reading it at the beginning. Not sure if I want to try again in the future. But since I abandoned that book, I became aware that sometimes some books just aren't for me. There's no need to keep reading if you don't want to.
- Unfortunately, the previous fact somewhat made me a reader with many book affairs lol... I'm so afraid that I'll get bored so I always feel the need to have erm.. back-up books to read. (BTW I'm also a neurotic reader.. currently trying to finish my reading list on Goodreads)
- I used to prefer large, wide books but now I like smaller ones (that fit perfectly into my hands). And if possible, the font has to be nice and easy to the eyes (haha). This has nothing to do with the thickness though. I can read thick books just fine.. but I'll get annoyed if I finished a thick book that isn't even a good read. Happened to me several times for books I purchased that were largely discounted.