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# Wuthering Waves
2025 posts
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Interest: Games
My Fangirl Side
Forgot to post this yesterday~
2.2 Preview Livestream
The only thing I can focus after the livestream:
- Rover's own sword!
YES, new attribute for Rover~! Can't wait!
Not sure what to feel about Cantarella yet. Maybe I'll decide after trying her in the trial.
Anyway, this time I watched the livestream without joining any watch-along livestreams and the experience was 10x better. I think I'll do that from now on. I can still watch the others' reactions later (& it's easier to skim-skip-watch when you already watched the entirety of the original livestream).
Whimpering Wastes (WhiWa)
Yeah... not sure if I want to do something like my ToA results since it looks like this:
Maybe just mention the ?/8 results and Infinite Torrents?
Last time I got 8/8 but the new WhiWa is tough...! I've been trying for days to get at least 4500 and the highest I got is 4440. They are probably going to make it easier(?) when 2.2 comes but since I'm so close, I want to try to get it before that :P... It's so crazy - this is why I don't want to focus on hologram fights too much because I get hyperfixated on them.
Account Updates
Main - Did some pulls after the 2.2 Preview Livestream...
I have both good and bad news.
Lost 50/50 to Lingyang (new to my account btw... was Lingyang-less for the whole version 1.x haha)
So that's another loss since Yinlin's rerun... |
Seeing level 1 again lol |
...back to getting those boss materials I guess *sigh*. Yes, I'm building Lingyang too, just in case(?). Although I'm going to focus on Changli first (after Aero Rover, of course!)
RuRu - I managed to get Brant in this account! Wasn't planning to at first but after seeing how he can heal (and shield!) while dealing damage I decided "Why not?"... This account do need more healers (still no Verina). I'm trying to get his signature weapon too but no high hopes...