Thursday, September 05, 2024

WuWa Talk: Some Updates

Good news is I fulfil the requirements to get Xiangli Yao for both my main and Fenn accounts. Haven't done anything with my RuRu account yet but I might be speeding through the main story again (this time in Chinese!) later. I don't need to do it but I don't like missing out on Jiyan's mini event mission.

I procrastinated completing the event until my birthday lol... it was basically a date (at least it was for me & my female Rover! SHUT UP! *blushes*) with Xiangli Yao XD.

Minor spoilers (but without context?)

His trailer was released yesterday and I've been re-watching it over and over again through videos of people reacting to it since then... in short, I'm excited!

Fenn account
  • Very tempted to use Fenn as Havoc Rover but... I'll stay as Spectro Rover for now (since it's canon for the rest of the main story quests). 
  • I tried to get Zhezhi for my Fenn account but I ended up getting another copy of Verina *sigh*... I don't know if I even want to try for my other alternate account with less than 3 days left lol
Main account
  • Kind of done upgrading most of my ascended-to-level-90 resonators (except skills & some weapons) so I might continue building my Spectro Rover (skills and echoes) next. Maybe a bit of Xiangli Yao (with Yuanwu on the side) too, depending on my mood haha. I guess it does help that my Union Level is over 60 because I get more material/stuff than before...
  • I've been seeing people calling Calcharo other names on Reddit/YT and he's "basically being replaced" by Xiangli Yao... which honestly, I don't wish to give any comments to. Only that, it kind of have the opposite(?) effect on me because I've been using him more recently along with my Rover and Verina... it's been fun! Letting him "borrow" Jiyan's signature weapon works wonders. I do hope he'll get his own 5-star broadblade later on... (and by that I mean I hope I can get the one from the standard 5-star weapon OR another copy of Jiyan's Verdant Summit if they ever do a rerun).

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