Monday, June 13, 2022

Little Obsession

Recently I got myself too preoccupied with "repairing" my blanket (I call all of them blankets lol but this one actually looks more like a cheap duvet). It's not like it has holes or anything, just big amounts of loose threads. I'm trying to sew the patterns back on it... it's okay if you don't get what I'm saying but this.. this! It's this that got me so distracted yesterday and I ended up finishing "Piranesi" very late near midnight.

I don't really know what to call this. Sometimes I get so engrossed on creating or repairing something and that's the only thing I want to do all day. I kept thinking that it won't take me long - that it's an easy and simple task - which of course isn't always true. I think I just want some kind of activity that involve moving my hands while I do something else. Maybe it's too much to call it obsession but urghh I can feel how fixated I am on these things. I actually hate that feeling but I can't help but want to drown in it to see the thing or task get completed. I don't even think I get some satisfying feeling after they're done. Maybe only like 5 seconds of feeling accomplished. Then it's "Done. Next!" 


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So... I ended up giving "Piranesi" 4 stars. I didn't really like the beginning (even though it has much to do with the plot twist later). It only got more interesting when a certain character was coming and everything started to make sense. Loved the ending- or rather, maybe it's not the ending, the resolution of the story...? I actually shed some tears near the end.

Anyway, going to use the reading schedules more again because of my blanket/duvet situation. Probably no reading will be done this week if I don't use them. What happened with "Piranesi" yesterday got me a bit worried.

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